Avastar License
Re-Distribution of our software
Please refrain from passing on our software product Avastar as we finance the entire product development and maintenance only through sales.
The Source code license
The Avastar source code is distributed under the Blender compatible GPL licence.
Supplementary data licenses
All parts of the products which are not explicitly marked as GPL are not distributed according to GPL license terms and may not be redistributed. Especially additional data (images, textures, blendfiles, collada files, documentation, etc.) is partly originated from other sources and have their own licensing. In general all supplementary data in the Avastar distribution is not to be redistributed without our approval. In particular please take care to not violate any third party rights.
Your own creations made with Avastar
Your own creations made with the Help of Avastar can be redistributed in any way you like. This includes commercial usage of the creations and redistribution of .blend files which contain your creations.
Avamesh license
Avamesh is distributed under a CC-BY-4.0. In other words: Do what you want with it but always refer to machinimatrix/Avastar as the provider of the original avamesh model