If you are a Developerkit creator, then this set of pages is for you. We give you a short overview of how a Developer kit is supported from within Avasar and we show you how you can adjust your Developer kit for best usage by attachment creators.
Section sub pages
Intro for creators
Developer kits Intro This is a short introduction mainly aimed at Developer kit creators who are not familiar with Blender and Avastar but want to prepare their Developer kit so that it can be used most efficiently from within Blender/Avastar. What you need to provide to your attachment makers The d...

Create Developer kits
Create my own Developer kit Abstract In this document we describe a practical approach to create a Developer kit for a Male Mesh. We will begin with the Mesh model, and make it fit for usage as developer kit. The Scenario Lets assume you have been working on your model for some time and you [&hellip...

The Rig Converter
Development Kits and the Rig Converter tool Some creators of full mesh bodies provide Mesh Development Kits. These kits typically contain Reference Meshes and reference weight maps for the developing of body attachments (clothes). This document explains how you can use the Avastar Rig Converter to g...

Support You have created a Developer Kit for your product and you want your developer kit to be usable by Avastar? Here is how we can support you with that: We help you to define the needed sources. We help you to integrate your Deeloperv kit to Avastar. We offer Avastar related support to your [&he...