Warning: This section contains more complicated topics which need a fairly amount of basic knowledge. Please make sure that you have a good understanding of Blender, Avastar and Secondlife before you continue from here.
Section sub pages
Developer kits
Developer kits This section contains more complicated topics which need a fairly amount of basic knowledge. Please make sure that you have a good understanding of Blender, Avastar and Secondlife before you continue from here. Important for attachment makers...
Rig a Creature
Rig a Creature Note: You find the Rigging a Horse video on youtube The Video was made with Avastar-1 but is still mostly valid. Step 1: Prepare the scene The Model In this document we use a model of a horse made by the SL resident OptimoMaximo Resident as guideline for setting up the Rig. […]...

Bind a Creature
Bind a Creature Note: You find the Rigging a Horse Video on Youtube. The Video was made with Avastar-1 but is still mostly valid. Step 1: Preparations This document is about binding a quadruped. We have chosen to use a spooky horse mesh (well, actually a skeleton) from neurocase at blendswap You can...

Animesh If you are creating an Animesh, then you won’t do much different from creating a normal rigged mesh. The only thing you need to take care off is that you must export your mesh with a neutral rest pose shape (the white stick) Creating an Animesh rig out of the box when you create [&hell...

Importing Rigs
Importing Rigs Once in a while you want to import a rig from a Collada file. While this is not a big thing in general there are still a few pitfalls that could get you into trouble. Avastar has got the Rig Transfer Tool for this purpose. Although this tool is not perfect, it may […]...

Eye Rig
Rigging Eyes The SL Rig provides 2 sets of eye bones: system eyes (mEyeLeft, mEyeRight) and Bento eyes (mFaceEyeAltLeft, mFaceEyeAltRight). Both eye-sets actually behave in a similar way, except that the system eyes are children of mHead while the Bento eyes are children of the mFaceRoot. We do not ...

Hand Rig
Posing and Animating the Hands The Avastar Finger bones provide two animation methods with different advantages. You either can select the Constrained Fingers (default) in the rig display panel. This allows you to setup realistic hand poses in a very short time with just a few clicks. But you can no...

Fitted Mesh
Fitted Mesh The goal The working Model We will use a very simple skirt for this tutorial. (The video above uses a different mesh) This skirt is already weighted to the classic mBones and it contains a simple walk animation for scrubbing the timeline. Starting from Classic Mesh We use the very simple...

Fitted Physics
Fitted physics In this document we give a short introduction into how you can easily add physics to your Avatar using the Fitting Sliders. This is an extreme demo of what you can make with the physics. The demo was made by SeraphLinden a couple of years ago Intro Avatar physic is directly attached t...