Here is a collection of Quick Tips which might be helpful in some cases.
Quick tips
Remove Rotation Limit Lines
When you create a new Avastar Character, and then enter Pose mode, you will see that most of the (green) animation bones do have indicators for how much they can be rotated. While this can be very useful for animators, sometimes you just do not want to see these lines. And if you are mostly [&hellip...

Invisible Objects
Developerkit Parts not visible in Viewport if you wonder where the heck the mesh is in this case (see image) and you think… “its visible, it is enabled, it is there…. But where is it ???” Then you may have fallen into a little trap that was added by the creator This me...

How to get out of Trouble
This document has 2 parts. We begin with general advises how to setup your projects. then we show you how to get out of trouble and how you can identify if you have found a bug. General advises Prepare your workbench Make sure that your Avastar is a released version Make sure your Avastar is [&helli...