Animation Export

Animation Export The Avastar Animation exporter exports Skeletal animations of the Avastar Armature. We support 2 export Modes (anim and BVH). Note: The Exporter is only available when you have selected the Avastar Armature as the active Object. The Animation Export...

Motion Transfer

Motion Transfer Tools The Motion Transfer Tools are designed to transfer the Animation of an imported BVH file to an Avastar rig. So you will typically first create an Avastar character (the Target), then import the Animation, map it to Avastar, and finally transfer...

Bone Rotation Limits

Rotation Limits [PS Showtime url=””] Some of the (green) Rig Control Bones have been constrained with rotation limits. These limits ensure that your poses keep reasonable (avoid...

IK Controls

IK Controls The IK Controls panel (Inverse Kinematics) can be found in the Properties Sidebar of the 3D Viewport (if the sidebar is hidden: ensure the mouse is in the 3D Viewport, then hit the N key to toggle the sidebar visibility). The panel displays different sets...


This video is about parametric fitting. I have taken the simple tank-top from the fitted Mesh video series for demonstration… Transcript Step one: prepare the environment. Actually i just set the Avastar rig to fitted mesh mode right from the beginning of the...


Skinning (weighting your mesh) [PS Showtime url=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/map_skinning.png”] Skinning is the process of creating an association between a Mesh (the Skin) and a Rig. More specifically in the Skinning process we define associations for...