In a Nutshell
Sparkles is a growing collection of useful tools (sparkles) for Animation and creation in Blender. Sparkles has been created for Game developers who need to export their creations from Blender to a target system.
Animation Scale
This is a tool for Applying the Scale of an animated Armature also to the Armature’s animations. The problem shows up when you need to scale a ready made animated character. If the Animation contains location changes, then applying scale to the Armature will result in broken Animations. The Animation scale tool fixes this issue.
Timeline Copy
UV Face copy
Weight Inspector

IK Presets
User Templates
Smart Mirror Weight Copy
Shape Key Copy
Weld Normals
Frequently asked Questions
Q: What do i get?
- A Download link to the software (Sparkles Addon for Blender)
- Access to our Bug Reporting System
- 1 year of product updates1
1: You can continue to use the addon after your year is complete. Renewal adds a new year of updates.
Q: Where can i buy?
Q: How does Sparkles relate to Avastar?
Sparkles is designed as standalone tool for general game development! It does not depend on Avastar, but it is tightly integrated
Sparkles can be seen as an companion for Avastar.
So and now ?
Go sparkling.