After a long 48 hour trip of real fun and blood sweating horror we mastered to deploy our contribution “We only live twice” (spy genre) to the 48h servers just 13 minutes before the deadline. We did not make the winning team, but we performed very well. We got 2 awards out of 13 and it looks like we have well competeted against a very strong group, The CADE team. Congrats to Sweeny Todd for their excellent work. Loosing against them is not a shame.You can see our film at the site (search for “we only live twice”).

The rules for the film making included to use:

a given character Toni, or Toni Martin
a given prop a pink flamingo
a given Dialogue “That’s the way it goes”

And here is the full list of awards:

Graphics(Art Director/Avatar Design) We only live twice Machinimatrix
Cinematography We only live twice Machinimatrix
Musical Score SL 042 Harvey
Use of Character The Pink Flamingo Dream Team
Use of Prop The Pink Flamingo Dream Team
Use of Line of Dialogue Zombie Attack CADE
Costumes Zombie Attack CADE
Special Effects Zombie Attack CADE
Sound Design Zombie Attack CADE
Editing Zombie Attack CADE
Writing Zombie Attack CADE
Acting (voice) Zombie Attack CADE
Directing Zombie Attack CADE