The Machinimatrix proudly presents the first binary Jass-Release for Mac (OSX-10.5 and newer). We have not solved all GUI problems, but after some tweeking we got a working solution which does no longer force you to process a weird worlflow…
Read more on the Jass download page.
Hi, I discovered your web site @ yahoo and i have learn allot of your other posts. I like what u say ! I simply added you to my Google Information Reader ;). Sustain the great work . Look ahead to reading more from you in the future.
Thanks for the quick response, Gaia. I guess the approach is to save my work often, and especially before switching programs.
I’m finding JASS/Blender is crashing my Mac after placing a Domino sculpty into a scene when I switch between Blender and another program. The same thing does not happen if I place a regular Blender mesh. Also, when returning to Blender, it window does not receive the focus and I need to click on it first in order to use it.
Are there any other Mac users experiencing the same issue?
Hi, Balthazar
These issues are unfortunately common to many Mac users. The main problem seems to be that the windowing system of Blender and the used GUI for primstar do not cooperate with each other on Mac. And the cause of this has been hunted by many people for many months now. I think so far the way how it is solved in Jass-2 is the least hurting way. Since at least you GET focus when you return to blender and click on the blender main window. Also the crashing after returning to blender from Second Life seems to be an issue with Mac only probably having the same cause ;-(
We all wait for blender-2.5 where the GUI has been completely rewritten and the API will offer far more options to create custom pop-ups. But we believe that blender’s api will not be ready to go until end of this year. And we do currently NOT plan to replace the primstar GUI by its own (blender compliant) menu in JASS-2 (although i was tempted to do so for several months). It is just too much of work to do that.
Sorry for no better answer (for now). But who knows… if the issue with Mac can be found we will certainly fix it immediately for Jass-2
Fantastic job Machinimatrix Team!
Thanks on behalf of all Mac users 🙂
Keep the good work
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