Step1 (Done): Voucher Created
We have created a new Voucher for your license: [PS-Query-Parm id=”voucherid”]
- The Voucher will expire in [PS-Query-Parm id=”expires”] [PS-Query-Parm id=”unit”].
- The voucher ID is also displayed in your Download Area (next to the Purchase ID of your product)
- If you have created the Voucher unintentionally, just wait for [PS-Query-Parm id=”expires”] [PS-Query-Parm id=”unit”], it will disappear automatically.
Step2 (Todo): Transfer the Voucher
Please copy the Voucher ID and send it to the new license Owner.
- The new owner can only use the Voucher when he/she is logged in on our Site.
- The new owner must use the “Add Voucher” function (on his/her own my-Account page).
- Your product remains accessible to you until the new owner has applied the Voucher.
- If the new owner does not apply the voucher within [PS-Query-Parm id=”expires”] [PS-Query-Parm id=”unit”] , you need to create a new Voucher.