Avastar-1-dev-636This is a minor update. The changes are mostly usability improvements. The main changes are improvement of error handling and addition of a context sensitive help. For Blender 2.64 pre release: You can open the Help for any Avastar function button by: Right Mouse Button -> Online Manual Your Online browser should pop up and guide you to the relevant Help page. |
More Questions ?Ask Gaia Clary in Second Life, or send email to Have Fun Gaia & Magus & Domino
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(Using Blender 263) I upgraded from Avastar 432 to 636. Can you explain the workflow differences. In 432 I would select the mesh and avastar then copy weights. Lastly – click Bake to T-Pose. Export to SL and upload to SL with the weight and joint options available in the SL importer.
In 636 some functions seem to have been modified – I’m not sure how to export to SL with weights correctly. I can’t seem to export with the weight/joint data. I select both the mesh and avastar – click copy weights. Then I see rigging with Parent to Armature or Bake to T Pose.
I tried each one and them both. I then export to SL but don’t have any weight data – cant check weights or joints in the SL importer.
What is the correct way to export to SL with all weight/joint data in 636?
In 432 – Parent to Armature was checked and then you click Bake to T Pose.
In 636 – Parent to Armature is a separate button above Bake to T pose button.
Based on 432 I assume I would click Parent to Armature then click Back to T Pose.
One thing I noticed – after I click copy weights and click Parent to Armature – the mesh and avastar seem to shift/move – no longer aligned.
Actually re-tested with imported obj model file and 636 and 639 work correctly. Must have been the dae model I used. All is good!
“The Collada exporter currently does not export Material settings. This means your exported objects will have only one texture face”
Has this been fixed in later releases?
Hi, Dave. This issue has been fixed a few months ago.